Cupcake Camp Seattle has come and gone and I have to say… I HAD A BLAST! I brought about 200 homemade “Tree Hugger Apple” cupcakes to the event and they were gone in about 20 minutes!
Over 5000 cupcakes were devoured in less than two hours and the line to get into the venue wrapped around the block! Bella Cupcake Couture did an amazing job putting this event together and I can’t wait to see how much money it raised for Hope Heart Institute.
Wink Cupcakes posted a VIDEO of the cupcake eating contest that you MUST watch. It was AWESOME! CakeSpy also posted a video… you can see it below!
My cupcake was enetered into the “Best Seattle Themed” contest, but unfortunatly didn’t win. But, it’s okay… I had so much fun at Cupcake Camp!!
I met so many great people too! People kept coming up to me asking, “Are you JavaCupcake?” It felt so good to get recognized! I’ve never been a part of a community like this where everyone is welcome and loved!
Thank you to all my friends and family who helped me prepare my cupcakes for this event. I could not have done it without you!! (Sarah, Heather, Desi, and Mom!!!)
Here are a couple links to recaps by host of Cupcake Camp, Bella Cupcake Couture.
1st year + Raised $5267.50 = Huge Success!
Baked with Love and a lot of (Hope) Heart! – The WINNERS of the competitions are announced!
CakeSpy also put together a Top 50 moments from Cupcake Camp… and JavaCupcake is #19!
Up next…. Johnny Cupcakes at Trophy Cupcakes in Wallingford on April 25th!
It was crazy crowded but a lot of fun!
Yah it was!!! I can’t wait until next year…. BIGGER venue! 🙂
Looks like cupcake heaven!
Oh…. IT WAS!!! 🙂
What a turnout! Your cupcake was very delicious! I’m so happy I was able to get one. 😉